Saturday, March 24, 2012

PV , LV, VG ODM Commands

VG type Max Pv’s Max LV’s Max PP’s/VG Max PP Size

Normal 32 256 32512 1G

BIG 128 512 130048 1G

Scalable 1024 4096 2097152 128G

PVIDs stored in ODM.

Creating PVID : chdev –l hdisk3 –a pv=yes

Clear the PVID : chdev –l hdisk3 –a pv=clear.

Display the allocation PP’s to LV’s : lspv –p hdisk0

Display the layout of a PV: lspv –M hdisk0

Disabling partition allocation for a physical volume : chpv –an hdisk2 : Allocatable=no

Enabling partition allocation for a physical volume : chpv –ay hdisk2 : Allocatable = yes

Change the disk to unavailable : chpv –vr hdisk2 : PV state = removed

Change the disk to available : chpv –va hdisk2 : PV state = active

Clean the boot record : chpv –c hdisk1

To define hdsik3 as a hotspare : chpv –hy hdisk3

To remove hdisk3 as a hotspare : chpv –hn hdisk3

Migrating ttwo disks : migratepv hdisk1 hdisk2

Migrate only PPS that belongs to particular LV : migratepv –l testlv hdisk1 hdisk5

Move data from one partition located on a physical disk to another physical partition on a different disk: migratelp testlv/1/2 hdisk5/123

Logical track group(LTG) size is the maximum allowed transfer size for an IO disk operation. Lquerypv –M hdisk0


For each VG, two device driver files are created under /dev.

Creating VG : mkvg –y vg1 –s64 –v99 hdisk4

Creating the Big VG : mkvg –B –y vg1 –s 128 –f –n –V 101 hdisk2

Creating a scalable VG: mkvg –S –y vg1 –s 128 –f hdisk3 hdisk4 hdisk5

Adding disks that requires more than 1016 PP’s/PV using chvg –t 2 VG1

Information about a VG read from a VGDA located on a disk: lsvg –n VG1

Change the auto vary on flag for VG : chvg –ay newvg

Change the auto vary off flag for VG: chvg –an newvg

Quorum ensures data integrity in the event of disk failure. A quorum is a state in which 51 percent or more of the PVs in a VG accessible. When quorum is lost, the VG varies itself off.

Turn off the quorum : chvg –Qn testvg

Turn on the quorum : chvg –Qy testvg

To change the maximum no of PPs per PV : chvg –t 16 testvg.

To change the Normal VG to scalable vg : 1. Varyoffvg ttt 2. chvg –G ttt 3. varyonvg ttt

Change the LTG size : chvg –L 128 testvg à VG’s are created with a variable logical track group size.

Hot Spare: In Physical volume all PP’s shou;d be free. PP located on a failing disk will be copied from its mirror copy to one or more disks from the hot spare pool.

Designate hdisk4 as hot spare: chpv –hy hdisk4

Migrate data from a failing disk to spare disk: Chvg –hy vg;

Change synchronization policy : chvg –sy testvg; synchronization policy controls automatic synchronization of stale partitions within the VG.

Change the maximum no. of pps within a VG: chvg –P 2048 testvg

Change maximum no.of LVs/VG : chvg –v 4096 testvg.

How to remove the VG lock : chvg –u

Extending a volume group : extendvg testvg hdisk3; If PVID is available use extendvg –f testvg hdisk3

Reducing the disk from vg : reducevg testvg hdisk3

Synchronize the ODM information : synclvodm testvg

To move the data from one system to another use the exportvg command. The exportvg command only removes VG definition from the ODM and does not delete any data from physical disk. : exportvg testvg

Importvg : Recreating the reference to the VG data and making that data available.. This command reads the VGDA of one of the PV that are part of the VG. It uses redefinevg to find all other disks that belong to the VG. It will add corresponding entries into the ODM database and update /etc/filesystems with new values. importvg –y testvg hdisk7
Server A: lsvg –l app1vg
Server A: umount /app1
Server A: Varyoffvg app1vg
Server B: lspv|grep app1vg
Server B: exportvg app1vg
Server B: importvg –y app1vg –n V90 vpath0
Chvg –a n app1vg
Varyoffvg app1vg

Varying on a volume group : varyonvg testvg

Varying off a volume group : varyoffvg testvg

Reorganizing a volume group : This command is ued to reorganize physical partitions within a VG. The PP’s will be rearranged on the disks according to the intra-physical and inter-physical policy. reorgvg testvg.

Synchronize the VG : syncvg –v testvg ; syncvg –p hdisk4 hdisk5

Mirroring a volume group : lsvg –p rootvg; extendvg rootvg hdisk1; mirrorvg rootvg; bosboot –ad /dev/hdisk1; bootlist –m normal hdisk0 hdisk1

Splitting a volume group : splitvg –y newvg –c 1 testvg

Rejoin the two copies : joinvg testvg

Logical Volumes:

Create LV : mklv –y lv3 –t jfs2 –a im testvg 10 hdisk5

Remove LV : umount /fs1, rmlv lv1

Delete all data belonging to logical volume lv1 on physical volume hdisk7: rmlv –p hdsik7 lv1

Display the no. of logical partitions and their corresponding physical partitions: lslv –m lv1

Display information about logical volume testlv read from VGDA located on hdisk6: lslv –n hdisk6 testlv

Display the LVCB : getlvcb –AT lv1

Increasing the size of LV : extendlv –a ie –ex lv1 3 hdisk5 hdisk6

Copying a LV : cplv –v dumpvg –y lv8 lv1

Creating copies of LV : mklvcopy –k lv1 3 hdisk7 &

Splitting a LV : umount /fs1; splitlvcopy –y copylv testlv 2

Removing a copy of LV : rmlvcopy testlv 2 hdisk6

Changing maximum no.of logical partitions to 1000: chlv –x 1000 lv1

Installation :

New and complete overwrite installation : For new machine, Overwrite the existing one, reassign your hard disks

Migration: upgrade AIX versions from 5.2 to 5.3. This method preserves most file systems, including root volume group.

Preservation installation : If you want to preserve the user data.. use /etc/preserve.list. This installation overwrites /usr, /tmp,/var and / file systems by default. /etc/filesystems file is listed by default.


  1. hi good information

    How to check the volume group mirror working fine or not?

    what is the first column in volume manager ?

  2. i need to remove a particuler pp for an LV.

    LP PP1 PV1 PP2 PV2 PP3 PV3
    0001 9601 hdisk37 9601 hdisk40

    10674 13340 hdisk37 13340 hdisk40
    10675 6939 hdisk51 6939 hdisk50
    10676 13341 hdisk37 20276 hdisk37 13341 hdisk40
