Here is the basic commends which help you to access HMC.
NOTE that execution of HMC commands can be very very slow.
First log in on the hmc via SSH using username hscroot, example command (from an AIX box):
ssh hscroot@hmctest
ssh hmctest -l hscroot
Note : while doing the ssh itself you can directly apply the commands
Eg: ssh hscroot@anrh0101 lslpars
To list status of all systems and LPARs connected to an HMC:
lslpars --wide
To issue a soft reset to an LPAR:
chsysstate -m
To close a console connection:
The session can be ended by typing
~ and . as the first characters on a line.
To view state and operator panel (LED/LCD display) of an LPAR:
lssyscfg -r lpar -m
To view state and operator panel (LED/LCD display) of a system running in FullSystemPartition mode (note the -n):
lssyscfg -r sys -n
To Start a terminal
mkvterm -m machine_name -p lpar - start a terminal
To Close a terminal
rmvterm -m machine_name -p lpar - close terminal connection
To reboot an lpar
chsysstate -r lpar -m machine_name -o shutdown --immed --restart -n lpar_name - reboot an lpar
To access LPAR console for diffrent Managed system from HMC
Note : It will display a menu from that we have to choose our node.
To reboot the HMC:
hmcshutdown -t now -r